Nieuws / News 2024


Nala is zwanger van Lewis meer informatie klik hier.

Nala is pregnant of Lewis, click here for more information


“If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, Bentley would outlive us all.”


Bentley 11.8 jaar.

Bentley 11.8 years.


Nieuwe foto van Lewis.

New picture of Lewis.


Izana is bevallen van 7 puppies in Duitsland, 3 reuen en 4 teven. Meer informatie klik hier!

Izana gave birth to 7 puppies in Germany, 3 males and 4 females. More information click here!


Wij hebben sperma van Lewis opgeslagen in Australië, voor interesse neem vrijblijvend contant met mij op. 

We have Lewis's sperm stored in Australia, if you are interested please feel free to contact me.